Publications Advisor
Ms. Anderson
Show of Heart
JHS Teacher Shows Love for those Around her
By: Miley Ashley

Everyone has things going on in their life. Whether it’s good or bad. Life is a very complicated thing.
To be a person living in today’s society can be difficult but Melanie Anderson shows a perfect example of a tender-hearted person in her daily life.
“All good comes from life, even the tough times,” stated Melanie Anderson, English and Publications teacher at Jackson Senior High School.
Anderson is a teacher with a great mindset. She decides to take a good outlook on life to impact those around her in a positive way.
“My dad says this saying that impacted my mindset of life,let the
main thing be the main thing,” stated Anderson, “Don't fixate on the
things you can’t change in life,live in the moment.”
Positivity thrives when people focus on the good in life when going through a difficult time.
“ The main goal in life is love and serving others under the faith of God!” stated Anderson.
Anderson thrives on leaving a positive impact on those around her through the power of love.
Melanie Anderson
A Look Into Gabie Brown
By: Alyssa Lord
Our lives are shaped and influenced by the people in our lives. Being surrounded by good mentors can help inspire one to be the best version of oneself. Showing kindness to others, not only impacts their lives but also has a huge impact on the world we live in today.
“My mom inspires me because she’s a hard worker and gives her all to everyone,” stated Brown.
Brown gets her inspiration from her hard-working mom. They have an unbreakable bond.
“My grandma has inspired me to be a kind person and think of others,”
Brown has inspiration from two people who mean the world to her. They have helped shape her into the person she is today. Brown has the biggest heart and lovingly cares for others.
“I’m passionate about News Production, I love hearing people’s stories and making sure everyone feels heard and included. I think the writing process is cool and a good way to express others and yourself” stated Brown.
One thing Brown takes pride in is her communication skills.
“One thing I have learned over the years is how to be good with communication and how it has such a big role in the path you choose in life”
“My biggest strength is communication skills and I'm good at talking to people,” stated Brown.
Having goals for your future is important. While Brown has enjoyed the memories she has made so far she is excited to see what the future holds.
“I see myself traveling the world. I enjoy traveling, especially with the people I love” stated Brown.
Gabie Brown

Back to the Future
Alysson Estes
By: Sophia Blanton
Everyone has certain views on high school because they have different experiences that will vary their thoughts and opinions—some good, and some bad, which alter each person differently.
Alysson Estes, a senior at Jackson High School, takes the readers through her perspective on high school.
The new phone policy is one of the most dramatic changes to Jackson High School this year. Some people think the phone policy is beneficial but when asked she disagreed.

Alysson Estes
“No, it ruins publications. We use our phones in many ways in publications, and now we can’t,” Estes stated. Although Estes doesn’t like the new phone policy, she's optimistically looking forward to her big day, and next steps into the real world.
“I’m excited to graduate, I don’t want to be in high school anymore and I want to move on with my life,” Estes stated.
Even though Estes is ready to move on and graduate, she will always have the memories of her favorite class. She not only loves this class, she has a job in the class as well.
“News production, because it is something I’m passionate about, and I’m getting paid to help out,” Estes stated.
Despite all of this, she's blessed to have the people in her life to improve this experience.
“My friends, I made a lot of new friends. I met many new people throughout high school, and I think all of my friends influenced me in certain ways and shaped me into who I am today,” stated Estes.
While Estes has made memories in the past, she is excited to see what the future holds.
Inside the Mind of Miley
By: Sophie Jessell
When applying to colleges, they want a well-rounded individual. Miley Ashley is a great candidate. She not only enjoys her passions and hobbies but she does them with strength and pride. Ashley, a junior in high school, has months to think about her application to college but when applying, she will have many experiences to talk about.
“One of my many hobbies includes baking competitions with my friends,”Ashley stated.

Ashley not only cherishes her friendships but she also has many goals for her future.
“I will one day hopefully travel to Europe to see some wonders of the world,” says Ashley as she sits back to fantasize about her future travel plans.
Most people would say they would want to travel to Mexico or somewhere with a beach, but Ashely wants to be extraordinary. Traveling to Europe would allow her to spread her wings and become her own individual.
Career paths change over time. People get tired of their old jobs and feel the need to change. They want something new, something fresh. That is exactly what Miley Ashely did.
“As a kid, I was adamant about being a doctor, but now as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that I want to get an English degree”, stated Ashley.
As Ashley got older she realized that being a doctor is not what fits her personality. She enjoys reading and writing as well as her News Production classes. She also happens to be an editor for the newspaper.
As one can see, Ashley enjoys doing many different things. She is well-rounded and loves to explore and try new things. It fills her life with joy and excitement that many teenagers don’t experience in today's society.
“I feel like most teenagers would rather do things they’re comfortable with, but I like the thrill of life and experiencing new things”, states Ashley.