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Dakota Bomar (‘26)

By: Caroline Bartels

 “I mainly just hang out with my friends all the time,” said Dakota Bomar (‘26). 
  Dakota Bomar, a sophomore at Jackson High School, gets up close and personal with his day-to-day.
  Although he states that his main activity when not in school is hanging out with his friends, that is not the only thing in his routine. 
  “I work as much as I can, like on weekends. I work at Dairy Queen. It’s a super fun job. I like working there,” said Bomar. 
  Putting in effort at his job certainly did not come from thin air. These mindsets are taught; people are not just born with them.
  “I would say my dad is my biggest role model. He showed me how to work hard for the things I want in life,” stated Bomar. 

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Olivia Dunham (‘26)

By: Cade Gregory

  Waking up and doing her best to enjoy the not-so-school-feeling school days, Olivia Dunham is a helpful and dependable sophomore at JHS who highly enjoys the fall season and pursuing her current career path engineering.
  “My dream career path right now is to work with electronics,” Stated Dunham.(26)
  Not only does Olivia enjoy helping others and being there for people, but she also loves the freedom of highschool and hanging out with friends.
  “A perfect day for me would be going on a field trip with friends.”

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